Your Spouse Should Complete You!

When youngsters think about the perfect marriage, we should not take our primary signals from loving comedies. But we can take at least one tag: we should be able to look our partner in the face and say,“You complete me.”

In the same way, a life partner should love their wife as their own body. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever disliked his own flesh, but cultivated and cherished it, just as Christ does the church because we are members of his body.

Something similar goes for work commitments. In the modern matrimonial world, especially with the breakdown of the clear borderline between day and night, people are working longer than ever before. Thanks to their Million Matrimony, they’re still working even while they are eating, while they are walking around, and while they are supposed to be sleeping. But this style of working will hollow out a marriage. A final implication of marriage being a one-flesh union is the logic of love. All good marriage counselors know to talk about money and extended family. We ask him to cover our degradation and lavish us with fresh mercy flowing from the cross of his beloved Son who died to take away our sins.


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